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On the evening of May 4, 2015, PASS, LLC hosted a gathering of 40 friends and colleagues to celebrate the launch of the Natacha Koval Fund for Development and Public Health (the Natacha Fund).

The fund, which has been created by PASS, LLC in conjunction with Mr. Andrew Koval, is dedicated to improving global health in the poorest countries of the world. This mission has a particular focus on treating children with parasites, neglected tropical diseases, and pediatric and breast cancer.

Over the course of his work, Mr. Koval has already treated over 500 million children in developing countries for intestinal worms and parasites. Through the Natacha Fund, he aims to reach his ultimate goal of treating over 1 billion children. After losing his own daughter to cancer, Mr. Koval has also designed the fund to provide treatment to children battling pediatric cancer. All of this work is in memory of his late daughter, Natacha Koval.

The evening’s attendees were present to celebrate Mr. Koval’s accomplishments and offer support for the Natacha Fund’s newly-helmed mission. Speakers reflected on what the fund’s mission means to them, as well as shared experiences with Mr. Koval.

This distinguished group of guests included H.E. Jose L. Cuisa, Jr., Ambassador of the Philippines; Dr. Abed Ayoub, CEO and President of United Muslim Relief; Greg Hunter, CEO of Kingsley Management Group; Henok Tesfaye, President and CEO at U Street Parking; and Mr. Koval’s business partner, Joe Trentin, Manager of MedPharma Partners, LLC. These guests and speakers have been longtime friends and colleagues of Mr. Koval, and each expressed their excitement about this new venture and announced commitments to the fund.

In his comments during the dinner, Ambassador Cusia said expressed his appreciation for Andy’s dedication to helping Filipino people—and that his work with the poorest of the poor has brought hope to many thousands of people.

Mr. Koval announced his donation of 5 million stomach worm treatments. He also announced a donation of a $500,000 life insurance policy. Additionally, Dr. Ayoub made a pledge of $200,000 worth of medicine to the fund and Mr. Trentin made a pledge of $350,000 worth of cancer medication.

Joe Trentin, Amb. H. E. Jose L. Cuisa, Dr. Abed Ayoub, Andrew Koval, Banning Garrett, Dan Puls

Joe Trentin, Amb. H. E. Jose L. Cuisa, Dr. Abed Ayoub, Andrew Koval, Banning Garrett, Dan Puls

Daniel Puls, President and CEO of PASS, LLC was also in attendance for the event. He, among many others, articulated his excitement for the work the Natacha Fund is poised to accomplish, and expressed pride that PASS has been able to take part in the formation of such a singular fund with a truly transformative mission.

Photo credit Bing Branigin. Read more about Natacha Koval and the creation of the Fund in our earlier interview with Mr. Koval, and please visit our Facebook page to see more photos of the event.





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