3 results for tag: AI

A Spirit of Service: Technologists Are Advancing UN SDGs

There are many wonderful, bold projects around the world, not just in the US, being developed in answer to the world’s most pressing problems, from giving identity to the most vulnerable to trafficking, giving banking to the unbanked, transparency in food supply chain, and tokenizing activities to give everyone financial inclusion in this data-driven economy.

Peace Tech is Good for Business

We like to say that, “We can spot stories before they become stories.” We’re projecting things like likelihood of protests—some of which are violent—down to the city and date. That’s what we’re actually doing in terms of our projections. We monitor data, and we can see some trends and say, “Hey, this might turn into some big story.”

Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Conversation

"The true end goal is to have an embodied agent moving around. You can think of AI as the brain, and robotics as the body. Right now, we have disembodied voices speaking to us–that’s not real. When we finally have these physically present robots, things will change. Robotics and virtual or augmented reality are two areas to focus on. Robotics is the tipping point. "