About VantagePoints

VantagePoints is the thought-leadership platform for PASS, it is a digital publication focused on leaders making a social impact for good. Our content is editorial, and focused on interviews with exceptional individuals, groups, and initiatives from across the world. Access is entirely free.

Q. What is VantagePoints?

A. VantagePoints is a bi-weekly publication for sharing ideas, practices, and innovations directed toward social responsibility and global trends. Our readers care deeply about the world around us, and long-form content allows us to dive deeply into topics that will influence our global future.

Q. What type of content does VantagePoints feature?

A. VantagePoints focuses on exclusive interviews with global leaders in social impact.

Q. Is VantagePoints available in print?

A. No, VantagePoints is only available online.

Q. Can I get a subscription?

A. There are no subscriptions, but you can be notified of new articles by signing up for Dispatches at the bottom of this page.

Q. Is there a VantagePoints app?

A. No. As of now, there is no app.  We may consider developing one in the future.

Q. How often is VantagePoints published?

A. Twice a month. We feature interviews with influential leaders, and it takes a bit of time to schedule interviews and editorialize.

Q. What does VantagePoints cost?

VantagePoints is entirely free.

Q. How can I get involved with a featured organization or individual?

A. We encourage the cross-pollination of ideas and coordination of action among our community. Reach out to a featured interview subject through their organization or website–which is always included in a feature.


Q. How can I contact VantagePoints?

A. By e-mail: vantagepoints@pass-usa.net

Q. How can I advertise on VantagePoints?

A. We currently do not promote external advertising on our site. That may change in the future.

Q. I have a media inquiry. I am also interested in republishing content. Who is the best person to contact?

A. Media inquiries should be directed to the VantagePoints Editor:

By e-mail: vantagepoints@pass-usa.net

The PASS Fellowship is a professional development opportunity for recent graduates, young professionals, and emerging practitioners and leaders in the field of global social impact. PASS Fellows may be recent graduates of BA or MA programs in International Development, International Affairs, Public Health, Nonprofit Management, Economics, and other relevant disciplines.

Or, PASS Fellows are mid-career professionals in a variety of fields looking to transition into the field of international social impact. PASS Fellows work on a specific project with clearly articulated goals and outputs.

The PASS Fellow for VantagePoints will help implement and improve the strategy for VantagePoints, the thought-leadership platform of PASS. Each PASS Fellow will serve a term of 4 months. More information is available here.